
shit happens.

My Fall - Cowboy Junkies

许巍唱《我的秋天》,感觉用力过猛,须知真正的isolation往往于平淡中出之。 Cowboy Junkies 翻唱波澜不惊,却有彻骨的冷,年轻人未必死欢,而我们老头子心有戚戚。专辑叫《人民公园》(RENMING PARK),很摇滚。

My Fall

Notice the fall of the city
Please watch it closely
The sun outside shining
The moon also hanging
The years start to gather
your dreams start to tatter
Your tears busy fuelling this song I'm singing tonight
Through those hopeless nights
I wander alone
Through those hopeless nights
You hold me hand
Happiness a distance we'll never see
This cool fall night only confuses me

At night when we should be sleeping
I lie awake and hear you weeping
About all the things you ever wanted
About all the things that now haunt you
The years start to gather your dreams start to tatter
Your tears busy fuelling this song I'm singing tonight
Through those hopeless nights I wander alone
Through those hopeless nights you hold my hand
Happiness a distance we'll never see
This cool fall night hanging over me

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